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The Primary Student Council Officers SY 2017-2018

As members of the new Primary Student Council Officers, this is what the Student Council is all about based from the key concepts of PYP.


FORM: What is it like?

The SGIA Primary Student Council offers primary students the opportunity to have a voice within the school about the needs and issues that affect them. The council will focus on service to the school and local community.


The SGIA Primary Student Council is an organization that aims for transparency, cooperation and democracy.

FUNCTION: How does it work?

Our objectives are:

  • To become independent and self-governing, under the guidance of teachers;

  • To plan for and run meetings effectively;

  • To give students a chance to speak and let them have a voice in a school;

  • To set up and use a suggestion box for all PYP students to access;

  • To set up a system for Primary Students to approach the council with ideas or issues;

  • To work together effectively, collaboratively and proactively;

  • To make appropriate suggestions to the administration and to assist in solving problem;

  • To model the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes;

  • To find and carry out community service in our local community.


CONNECTION: How is it connected to other things?

  • The SGIA Primary Student Council will be connected to the school’s house programme.

  • Sporting and other events will be organized through the Student Council.

  • The SGIA Primary Student Council will meet with The SGIA Secondary Student Council when necessary.


PERSPECTIVE: What are the different perspectives?

  • The SGIA PSC will do research in the community, try to liase with other schools and review other models for the council.

  • The SGIA PSC will seek sustainable solutions to problems.


RESPONSIBILITY: What is our responsibility?

  • Treat each other fairly.

  • Give all members a voice and a chance to express their feelings;

  • Send all members an agenda at least 2 days before the meeting;

  • In our meetings reflect on our practices, ask for good feedback, learn how to be good leader, to be responsible and how to be independent;

  • Build good relationships with peers, teachers and members of the community;

  • Ensure everyone does their part to make things work.


CHANGE:  How is it changing?

The SGIA PSC will review and act on feedback and suggestions and approve modifications to the structure if approved by the administration in response to an event, idea or suggestion.


The PSC Officers believe that by letting you know how their goals work, they can ask your help and suggestions to ensure that the student government works well.


With one-week orientation of the Grade 4 and 5 Students for 2 sessions under Ms. Edina Araneta-Sarenas, our Primary Department Principal, the groups were able to establish the candidates for this school year’s PSC Elections.

The Elections took place from K3 to Grade 5 Classes after a 3-day campaign on September 7, 2017.


Here are the results of the winners:

Congratulations to all our candidates and winners, for you have once again shown sportsmanship, collaboration and confidence! May this school year be a fruitful and meaningful one of your service and dedication to our primary students!


Mrs. Edina Araneta-Sarenas

Primary Department, Principal

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