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Grade 2’s Immersion to Bintan Lagoi Resort Waste Management

October 20, 2017

The Grade 2 students have visited Bintan Cakrawala Resorts last October 20, 2017. It reinforced their learning and helped them investigate more about the 2nd Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme “Sharing The Planet”.

In Bintan, the students learned about how people manage their waste by looking into the landfill and waste water treatment. Bintan Beach International Resort (BBIR) Sanitary Landfill has been known as the center of state of the art facilities in treating and processing waste that includes solid, horticulture, and construction that are generated by all resorts and facilities in the island. 

At the sewage treatment plant, students were engaged in asking about the sewage treatment and they were curious on how the entire process worked. At the sanitary landfill, the kids involved themselves in planting trees using compost. They sieved the compost and used it as fertilizers for the young plants. They also learned about the effects of rubbish to the environment.

We were all delighted with Warung Yeah’s sumptuous food. They have served us with delicious chicken, vegetable, fruits, crisps, drinks and ice cream. After lunch, the 2nd graders had a lot of fun playing with their indoor games like darts, mini-golf, board and card games.


Being in Bintan resorts wouldn’t be complete without having fun under the sun in the beach. Collecting shells, building sand castles, playing team building games were some of the hits during the free and easy time.

Before we wrapped up the day, we headed to the newest attraction in Lagoi, “The Lantern Park”, and saw dozens of unique lantern large-sized animals shape, such as elephants, rhinos, dragons and sea animals with beautiful colors around the garden. Lastly, our youngsters were excited to shop and buy souvenirs that will remind them of their wonderful experience at the resort.

Prepared by:

Ms. Nova Bautista-Tinsay

Grade 2B Homeroom Teacher

Sekolah Global Indo-Asia

Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kav. SGIA
Batam Centre - 29461
Batam - Indonesia

+62 778 467 333
+62 778 467 979

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