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Where We Are in Place and Time

Grade 5 Field Trip to Yogyakarta


November 6 - 9, 2018

Exploring the geography and history of Indonesia in the cultural and historical City of Yogyakarta was the purpose of our field trip last November 6 to 9, 2018. We were currently inquiring into how geography and history can shape a country’s identity in our unit “ Where We Are in Place and Time” for 4 days and 3 nights.

On November 6, 2018, we gathered in Hang Nadim Airport early in the morning to catch the flight to Yogyakarta. We took the earliest flight in order to arrive in the afternoon in Yogyakarta. When we arrived at the Adisutjipto Airport in Yogyakarta, we were welcomed by the friendly people of Yogyakarta who greeted us and gave us a batik scarf. After we had our lunch, we directly went to Prambanan Temple to explore the history of Hindu Kingdom in Yogyakarta. The weather was quite hot but we were very excited to explore the temple.


On November 7, 2018, day 2 of our stay in Yogyakarta, we decided to visit the Museum Gunung Merapi, where we learned about the physical geography and geological condition of Indonesia. Afterwards, we went to a nearby private museum called Ullen Sentalu Museum which displayed a lot of artifacts related to the history and culture of Yogyakarta. Our last destination for the day was Borobudur Temple, the largest Buddhist temple in world and one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. We learned a lot about the Buddhist Kingdom history in Indonesia through the reliefs of this temple.


On November 8, 2018, for our third day in Yogyakarta, we went to visit the Museum Dirgantara, the Air Force museum in Yogyakarta. We saw the dioramas about the story of how the air force was formed in Indonesia. We also had the opportunity to explore some Indonesian Air Force vehicles that were used during the war of Indonesia’s independence. Once we were done exploring the museum, we went straight ahead to the Giriloyo area, where we learned how to paint the batik pattern. Afterwards, we went to Kasongan village to created our own pottery. We were so excited to make our own shapes from the pottery.


On our last day of the field trip, November 9, 2018, we went to visit the Fort Vredeburg Museum. We learned more about the history of Indonesia’s independence, focusing on the era before the independence, the independence war and the time when the people of Indonesia defended the independence. Our last stop before we went back to Batam was the Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, the palace complex of the Yogyakarta Sultanate. We were shown by the palace guide all the collection gifted to the Sultan from other royal kingdoms around the world. Since we were a bit in a rush to catch the flight, we couldn’t watch the gamelan performance in the palace.


The four days visit to Yogyakarta has been an unforgettable and wonderful learning experience for us. It has helped us to understand more about how the geography and history of a country can help shape the identity of its people. It make us to be an open-minded learners as we appreciate our own cultures and personal histories,as well as the values and traditions of others.

by: Marina Tri Hastuti

Sekolah Global Indo-Asia

Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kav. SGIA
Batam Centre - 29461
Batam - Indonesia

+62 778 467 333
+62 778 467 979

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