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SGIA Flag Ceremony

As every school does in Indonesia, we traditionally hold a monthly ‘upacara’ regardless of any national celebration to remind and emphasise to our students the value of patriotism as well as develop their leadership skills. It is a feeling of prestige and pride for students once selected to officiate in the flag ceremony from being the prayer leader to the ceremonial commander (Komandan Upacara).


This February, it is the first ever for our school to do the flag ceremony where the elementary students were assigned to officiate. Selected grades 3 and 4 students have proven that they can perform the way their senior schoolmates do. Maintaining its solemnity and proper order.


Hats off to all the participants and teachers (who trained them) for the upacara’s success.


Special thanks to our SGIA Children’s Choir as well.

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Sekolah Global Indo-Asia

Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kav. SGIA
Batam Centre - 29461
Batam - Indonesia

+62 778 467 333
+62 778 467 979

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