Upper Secondary
Cambridge International AS and A Levels are internationally benchmarked qualifications providing excellent preparation for university education. They are part of the Cambridge Advanced stage.

They are taken in over 125 countries and offer a choice of 60 different subjects. Cambridge International AS and A Level qualifications are widely recognised and valued by universities and employers alike. Some US universities give up to a year's credit as a result. Every year, thousands of Cambridge International A Level students gain places at good universities worldwide - including the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
Cambridge International AS and A Levels is very flexible. Student can take almost any combination of the wide choice of subjects available in school. Learners have the freedom to select the subjects that are right for them - they either follow a broad course of study, or specialise in a particular area.
Cambridge International AS Level
Cambridge International AS Levels have half the content of the corresponding Cambridge International A Level and may be completed in one year. Student can take Cambridge International AS Level as a qualification in its own right or as a stage on the way to Cambridge International A Level in our school. Learners can study Cambridge International AS Level alongside other subjects to increase breadth in the curriculum and build further knowledge and understanding to other subjects they are studying at Cambridge International A Level.
Students have the freedom to select the subjects that are right for them - they either follow a broad course of study, or specialise in a particular area which are available in our school.
Students can choose from a range of assessment options:
* The staged assessment route is not possible in all subjects. The outcomes awarded for Cambridge International AS Level language syllabuses cannot be carried forward to Cambridge International A Level.
International relevance
Cambridge International AS and A Level syllabuses have been created specifically for an international audience. The content of International AS and A Levels is carefully devised to suit the wide variety of Cambridge schools worldwide and avoid any cultural bias. The structure and administration of Cambridge International AS and A Levels are also designed to meet the needs of our schools and learners around the world.
Cambridge International AS and A Level examination sessions occur twice a year**, in June and November, with results issued in August and January respectively.
Cambridge International AS and A Levels use a wide range of assessment processes and techniques to supplement formal written examinations - orals, practicals, projects and coursework of differing types are all used in various subjects where they are the most effective and appropriate means of measuring attainment.
** Some subjects are only available in June or November.
Reporting of achievement
Each subject that a Cambridge international student takes at AS and A Level receives a separately certificated grade. From 2010, the Cambridge International A Level will be reported on a grade scale from A* grade, awarded for the highest level of achievement, to E, indicating the minimum required performance. Cambridge International Centres should note there is no A* grading in the certification of Cambridge International AS Levels, which will continue to run from Grade A to Grade E.
Performance feedback
Cambridge International AS Level provides valuable feedback on performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses prior to any final assessment. Taking the Cambridge International AS Level examination part-way through the international A Level course provides feedback that learners can use to set learning goals for the second half of the course. It can also provide learners with the motivation and momentum to complete their programme of study.