Earth Warriors:
SGIA Grade 7 students
initiate Coastal Clean-up Drive

Inculcating environmental stewardship and conservation to the young is a challenge that needs to be addressed. The world today, with the increasing number of threats to the environment, has posed alarming problems and difficulties on how people live. What better way to inculcate environmentalism than to let students partake in a significant action.

As a culminating activity to the unit “Managing our Changing Environment,” Grade 7 students initiated a coastal clean-up in Pantai Nongsa on March 1, 2019. This has been a yearly activity that aims to educate the kids on the negative impact of human activities towards the environment as well as to instill in them the value of discipline and responsibility.

“We set sail in a journey of collecting waste on the beach and we would make groups and collect the trash and throw it in the bags we get. If we can all work together to collect the rubbish, we can actually change the way we look at the world and inspire people to do so. “ - Mohammed Dhia Othmani, Grade 7A
“We were able to help protect and save the environment at the beach by picking man-made trash on the beach. This could prevent lots of disaster such as lots of sea and land animalS dying because of consuming the trash, prevent the bodies of water to be polluted.” - Jacelyn Saputra, Grade 7B