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As a concrete manifestation of how students relate their learning to the issues around them, the fourth-grade students took concrete action by raising donations to help PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) with the “Gerakan Patungan Sepuluh Ribu” programme after learning about organizational units for 6 weeks.

Representatives from Grade 4 communicated their ACTION during the Grade 1 assembly and continued by giving donations on the way out of the MPH Building. Earlier in the morning they had also run donations to kindergarten level students and placed donation boxes at the middle and high school levels for them to participate.

The students were very enthusiastic in doing this action. The total amount of donations collected was IDR 5,240,000 and 20 SGD. This will be fully handed over to PMI as a tangible manifestation of how students learn to solve problems from issues that occur around them. We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the donation.

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