Upper Secondary
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
SGIA is an IB world school offering the pre-university IB Diploma Programme. IBDP is an academically rigorous programme designed to provide students with enough preparation for their University life ahead. The courses are also aligned with SGIA’s mission and vision statements.

The IB Diploma Programme provides students with a balanced education, to facilitate geographic and cultural mobility and to promote international understanding. It is highly respected by schools, educators and Universities all throughout the world.
The IBDP involves choosing three subjects to study in detail at Higher Level (HL) and three subjects at standard level (SL). The students must choose six subjects from each of the following groups. In addition, the programme has three core requirements that are included to broaden the overall educational experience of each learner. Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. Higher level comprises 240 teaching hours.
The subjects at SGIA are as follows:
Group 1 –Studies in Language and Literature (Language A: First Language)
English A: Language and Literature (HL/SL)
Indonesian A: Language and Literature (HL/SL)
Group 2 – Language Acquisition
English B (HL/SL)
Indonesian B (HL/SL)
Indonesian Ab initio
Group 3 – Individuals and Societies
Business Management (SL)
Economics (HL/SL)
History (SL)
Information Technology in Global Society (HL/SL)
Group 4 – Sciences
Biology (HL/SL)
Chemistry (HL/SL)
Physics (HL/SL)
Group 5 – Mathematics
Mathematics (HL/SL)
The IBDP Core Requirements
The DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.
The three core elements are:
Theory of knowledge, in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know.
The extended essay, which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.
Creativity, activity, service, in which students complete a project related to those three concepts.
Most IBDP courses have work externally assessed by IB examiners and internally assessed work that is externally moderated by IB examiners. The percentage for the final grade determined by internally assessed coursework and final examination varies between subjects. Students are encouraged to discuss assessment proportion with the subject teacher.
Getting into the IB Diploma Programme at SGIA
At SGIA, there is a clear expectation from students entering our Diploma Programme. The IBDP is both academically and personally challenging. In general, prospective students may be asked to present their academic record/results (IGCSE, O levels, MYP) or an equivalent international certification upon application. In some instance, they may have to be interviewed or required to take a placement test.
For continuing students of SGIA, we expect that they have the necessary preparation to face the rigors of the programme. Students in Grade 10 are given an IBDP Participation Form around March in Grade 10 and can choose their subjects early. The University counselors can discuss choices with them and their parents, if needed.
For more information on admission to the IBDP, please visit our admission office.
IB Diploma Recognition by Universities
International recognition of the IB Diploma Programme is outlined on the IB’s website, www.ibo.org/diploma/recognition.
We strongly encourage all parents and students to check university IB recognition policies for individual countries in the same website. Checking the requirements early will aid the students in choosing their subjects for the programme.
For more information on university admission policies, please set an appointment with the University counselors of SGIA.