University Trip 2019
to Jakarta & Yogyakarta,
7-12 October 2019

This is our third University Trip since we started this program in 2017. We already visited ten local universities in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung and Yogyakarta. This field trip was designed to open students’ minds and perspectives about their future university paths and to facilitate our senior students in gaining valuable insights about campus life, including subjects, lessons, majoring, prerequisites for registration, students’ activities, campus facilities and life-style.
Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta
For the last two years we visited Jakarta, Tangerang & Bandung, but this year we visited Jakarta, Tangerang and Yogyakarta. We toured three Government Universities (Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Institute Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta) and four Private Universities ( Bina Nusantara University, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences). Each university offers their own uniqueness and identity, which made this journey even more interesting. Each university treated us very well and showed great hospitality and transference of important knowledge as well. This is the list of short workshops and activities which really made a strong and lasting impression upon our students.
Bina Nusantara University
Business Management System workshop – create a simple website for business.
Communication Digital Workshop – understanding the purpose of Personal Branding in social media.
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
DNA Analysis Workshop – learnt to identified DNA using their high tech laboratory.
Universitas Prasetya Mulya
Coffee Making Workshop – Hospitality Business.
Universitas Pelita Harapan
The University allowed us to directly watch the practical class of Medical Students who opened the corpse or cadaver. Some students who did not interest with medical major can wait outside.
This trip gave the students new perspectives of many disciplines/majors and first-hand knowledge of the excellent facilities to support the learning process that provided by those universities. Beside formal visit to campuses, we also visited Pandora Experience as our tradition every year for fun and fearless team-building activities. Students learnt how to work together in a team to solve some puzzles and riddles in order to break free from the escape room. It was a really challenging activity that has become a favorite for our students each year. On the last day in Yogyakarta, we had dinner and watched Sendratari Ramayana performance in Prambanan Temple, one of the biggest Hindu Temples in the world.

Workshop about How to analyze DNA in Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences
Here are some students opinions and impressions from this experience :

Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Ashiilah Faradiba Suhadi (Grade 12 IBDP) - Overall, this experience has taught me a lot of things. I now realize that university in Indonesia have a lot to offer - which was somewhat unexpected because I’ve always heard that International universities would be better. But these universities also offer international programs and other programs that are as beneficial as studying outside the country. Besides that, this field trip was really fun, and I feel like I have grown closer to my classmates as a whole.
Euvann Audry Vianata (Grade 12 IBDP) - From this trip I can conclude that Indonesia’s universities compete with university outside of Indonesia. I also learned that not all universities outside of Indonesia are better. This trip also taught me that pursuing your university studies in Indonesia can be as productive studying outside the country.
Ervina Wijaya (Grade 12 CAIE) - I had a great time throughout the field trip. I was exposed to new experiences and I became much more aware of my country's higher education system. Visiting local universities turned out to be a lot more fun than I had expected. We had workshops such as making coffee by the V60 method in Prasetiya Mulya, making a simple web application at Binus University and using laboratory tools in I3L. The university guides were very helpful and I gained a better understanding of the available university courses.
Aside from our main purpose of visiting local universities, we also had some fun in Pandora Experience. Pandora Experience helped me battle my fear of the dark and tight spaces. Together with my teammates, we battled our wits and did our best to solve the clues in order to escape from the room. Without the help of my teammates, we wouldn't be able to get out of the maze.

Bina Nusantara University
Benny Ng (Grade 12 IBDP) - As a result of this trip, I have started to broaden my vision on future universities, to include Indonesian universities, even though it could be my last or back-up option. I believe that trips like this should be maintained and implemented for earlier years like in grade 11 to help students improve understanding of their purpose and help to better define their target universities. Also of note, this trip was not “monotone” experience in relation to visitations and campus tours! Instead, this trip included adventurous activities like the Pandora experience and the traditional show at night which really added a great deal to our overall experience.

Workshop Coffee Making V60 in Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences in Jakarta

University of Indonesia – Faculty of Engineering

Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences in Jakarta