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We are Ready to Serve
With schools closed across the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and most people sticking very close to home, ...

Grade 7 Assembly Performance 2019-2020: ‘Silence is Golden and Actions Speak Louder than Words’
On Friday the 28th of February 2020, The Grade 7 class gave a humorous and spectacular performance in front of the student body. ...

Building Collaboration in TOK
Theory of Knowledge or TOK as commonly known, is one of the core subjects of the IB Diploma Program which aims to develop students’ critical thinking through knowledge questions ...

People Tell Stories in Different Ways and for Different Reasons
Our fourth unit of inquiry is under the transdisciplinary theme of “How We Express Ourselves”. The students need to understand the different ways of storytelling and the reasons why stories are told.

“Our personal beliefs shape who we are” is the Central Idea of the fifth UOI in Grade 3 under the Transdisciplinary Theme of Who We Are. Various beliefs and interpretations from diverse cultures, values, and traditions were discussed and explored throughout this UOI to reinforce and comprehend the central idea with the key concepts;...

Primary School After School Activity (ASA)
Every semester we provide various and interesting after school activities for our students (ASA). These activities allow them to be active, that is obvious, but this can also translate to their everyday life.

SGIA Secondary School After School Activity (ASA)
After School Activity develops skills related to sports, enrichment or extended learning, recreation, arts, and life skills. It serves an avenue to learn non-academic skills for the students to enjoy, practice their strategic thinking...

Importance of Professional Development
Professional development is about life-long learning and growing as an educator. We always have the potential to progress and refine our teaching skills.

It’s Story Time
Stories can express cultures and moral values to shape mankind are the Central Idea of the fourth UOI in Grade 3 under the Transdisciplinary Theme of How We Express Ourselves.

SGIA Participates and Wins an Award in the 16th Harvard Model Congress Asia
Sekolah Global Indo-Asia was honoured to take part in the 16th Harvard Model Congress Asia (HMCA) held at the University of Tokyo, Japan from 11 - 13 January 2020.

Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (Sakura Science Program)
The enthusiasm displayed by my classmates and I towards our Science subjects assisted us in being noticed by the Japanese Government as well as the Professors of Kyushu Institute of Technology.

“ Good Morning Vietnam!”: Year 7 Class Trip 2019-2020
Day 1: Monday, 14 October 2019
At 5 a.m., all students that were participating in the Year 7 class trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, gathered at the Batam Centre Ferry terminal, sleepy-eyed, ...

University Trip 2019 to Jakarta & Yogyakarta, 7-12 October 2019
This is our third University Trip since we started this program in 2017. We already visited ten local universities in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung and Yogyakarta.

Christmas Celebration 2019
Every year, SGIA holds a Christmas celebration. The goals of our 2019 Christmas celebration were as follow: First - to foster unity in diversity. Students from different religious backgrounds participated in the Christmas decoration contest.

SGIA Participates in the XXII Seoul Model United Nations
Sekolah Global Indo-Asia was honoured to take part in the biggest Model United Nations Conference in South Korea, the 22nd SEOMUN, held at Seoul Foreign School on 8 – 10 November 2019. The conference was attended by 30 schools from 12 countries with over 600 delegates.

Grade 1 Field Trip – Singapore Zoo November 1, 2019
Visiting a zoo is one of the most exciting experiences for first graders. Last November 1, Grade 1 students embark on another meaningful learning experience to Singapore Zoo. This is to support the current transdisciplinary theme “Sharing the Planet” with ...

Safety is Always Our Priority Sekolah Global Indo Asia Fire Drill 2019
Fires can cause devastating effects on any type of premises. However, schools, in particular, are at significant risk. They are often filled with numerous fire hazards and potentially hundreds of students, ...

“Mathastic!” – SGIA Numeracy Week 2019
Last October 7-11 was devoted to observing the Numeracy Week. Each day was assigned to a specific Math strand. The strands are Numbers, Shape and Space, Measurement, Pattern and Function, and Data Handling.

Guaranteeing the safety of our students in school is one of the top priorities of teachers and school administration. This has brought first aid training to the forefront making it mandatory in our school.

Grade 3 Assembly
“Societies differ from one another and change through time” is the central idea of the first Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme of Where We Are In Place & Time of grade 3.

Grade 5 Field Trips: Students Visited Infinite Studios
On September 18, 2019 Grade 5 students went to the second field trip to Infinite studios. It is an integrated media entertainment and creative services company based in Singapore and Batam, Indonesia.

Grade 5 Field Trips: Students Visited FM Studio-Sekupang
September 16, 2019, was not just an ordinary day for grade 5 students.They spent the day with a trip to FM Studio-Sekupang, Sekupang Batam Indonesia, to learn more about radio broadcasting.

Grade 5 Assembly
Welcome to grade 5 assembly, the assembly was created by the students to show their learning journey about geography and history can determine a country’s identity.

Grade 2 UOI: Rights and Responsibilites
Our new unit of inquiry is about rights and responsibility and the students will have to learn how different people have different rights and responsibilities. In this unit we invited a resource speaker to share his knowledge about the rights of the children and what are their responsibilities that accompany these rights.

Grade 11 Assembly
The first school assembly happened last August 23. The grade 11 students showcase their talents with different performances adapting the scenes from Disney movies Aladdin, Lion King, Toy Story and Rapunzel.

Healthy Lifestyle and Balanced Choices
Grade 1 students have been developing their knowledge and understanding about making balanced choices that enables us to have a healthy lifestyle.

Grade 11 IB Chemistry Internship Program
Formal education does not only happen in the four walls of the classroom. Significant learning happens when students are exposed to practical learning. They tend to develop a better appreciation of the concepts being taught in school when they know how it is being used in the community.

IB Grade 11 Group 4 Project Presentation Interdisciplinary Learning, Empowering, Inspiring and Mentoring
Sekolah Global Indo-Asia believes in practical learning and integration of different skills to come up with productive and meaningful activities that develop students to flourish not only intellectually but build positive characters that can be observed to their actions.

Grade 5 PYP Exhibition: A Culminating Experience and Celebration of Learning
It’s SGIA 10th PYP Exhibition! This year we have 8 groups of students working with different central ideas under the transdisciplinary theme “Sharing the Planet.” In the spirit of supporting learner’s agency,...

Teachers’ Workshop: Mindfulness & Introduction to Reggio Emilia Approach
All children are competent, curious and creative learners! This is an important message from our last workshop on April 13, 2019, about Learning in Early Years in the Perspective of Reggio Emilia Approach.

Grade 2 Field Trip Unit 5 How We Organize Ourselves
Grade 2 Students has unit about “How We Organize Ourselves” about community provide services to meet people’s need. To broaden students understanding, grade 2 students have visited three places for our field trip.

Plants Play an Important Role Towards the Existence of Living Things
Can you imagine the world without plants? What will happen to human or other living things if there are no plants? Can we survive without plants? Are plants important for us? Some tune in questions to provoke students thinking...

K1 Field Trips How We Organize Ourselves UOI 3 - TRANSPORTATION
In this unit, K1 learnt about How We Organize Ourselves based on their Unit of Inquiry and the topic itself is about transportation. To be more specific, the students also learnt about different kinds of transportation,...

It Is All About The Amazing Earth
These are the grade 3 students’ inquiries on the central idea of “Geological changes alter life on Earth” was discussed. Students were so enthusiastic when they were challenged to explore How the World Works.

Earth Warriors: SGIA Grade 7 Students Initiate Coastal Clean-up Drive
Inculcating environmental stewardship and conservation to the young is a challenge that needs to be addressed. The world today, with the increasing number of threats to the environment, has posed alarming problems and difficulties on how people live.

Looking Back: A Historical Trip in Singapore
The 28th of February marks our first History class-centralized trip; A short-lived, one day journey that recognizes the importance of preserving History, ...

Story is the Window of the World
This year’s Literacy Week activities have been quite entertaining and interesting to our students; it took place last 25 February to 1 March 2019.

In line with our Unit of Inquiry “How We Express Ourselves,” we let our students experience, another great way of understanding stories which is through stage drama. Last February 14, the theatre group called Teater Bumi performed one of the famous Indonesian folktales “Malin Kundang” on stage.

SGIA 20th Anniversary
2018 marks our 20th anniversary. We take the opportunity to look ahead to the future, examining the past, and honored the legacy of the school.
Started in 1998 in a house with a small playground, SGIA was born, moved to a bigger place in 2002 to accommodate the increasing number of students...

All About Jobs
These questions roamed in grade 3 atmospheres upon getting to this term about jobs found in present. The students were so inquisitive about jobs as they were discussing about “people need specific qualities to participate in the world of work for the functioning of society”.

Grade 5 Field Trip to Yogyakarta
Exploring the geography and history of Indonesia in the cultural and historical City of Yogyakarta was the purpose of our field trip last November 6 to 9, 2018. We were currently inquiring into...

SGIA Halloween Costume Bash 2018
Several days before the 31st of October, grade 4 and 5 students were already discussing what to wear during the costume bash; scary, famous, funny characters and the likes. Came Wednesday the 31st,...

Theory of Knowledge or TOK as commonly known, is one of the core subjects of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a course about critical thinking in which all schools are required to devote at least 100 hours of class time. As a core subject,...

Grade 1 Field Trips
“Why do the dogs like to bark?” asked one of the students when they visited the pet shop. On Monday and Tuesday October 15 and 16, 2018, Grade 1 students had a field trip to De’ Chruse Pet Shop. This field trip gave the students deeper understanding of how people take care of their pets. This is a part of one of the lines of inquiry: Our responsibilities toward animals.

Numeracy Week 2018
On October 8-12, 2018 Sekolah Global Indo Asia primary school department organized its annual numeracy week. The theme for this year is “Math for All”. Throughout the week, students completed numeracy activities within lessons.

Changes are All Around
In this How the World Works unit, we have had done some experiments related to our topic “Physical and Chemical Changes”. We have visited and conducted experiments in the Science Laboratory in the Secondary Department...

K2 Excursion and Field Trips
K2 students had opportunities to experience the Water Play at their first week of learning about water, October 4, 2018. They explored three centers of water play; the swimming pools,...

Humans’ Interaction with The Natural Habitats
“Humans’ interaction with the natural habitats have significant impacts on living things” is the central idea of the discussed Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet in grade 3 SGIA.

On Friday, September 28th 2018, the Grade 10 students assembled in the cafeteria to prepare for their annual performance. They performed with the goal of displaying their talents to the student body, to inspire their fellow students, to entertain, and to show us what they are capable of.

Share to Learn “Teaching and Learning Should Bring Joy"
The marks of an ideal educational institution can be best reflected in empowering its staff and members, building and maintaining their morale and providing learning opportunities for their growth and professional development.

Grade 11 IBDP’s CAS in Collaboration with Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)
On September 10-14 2018, the grade 11IB students went on a trip to Cipanas, Cianjur in collaboration with Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) as a part of their CAS (Creativity, Activity, and Service). This exposure trip hosted numerous valuable activities such as teaching, farming, visiting the local community, ...

SGIA Grade 8 Students Visit East Java
Batu, Malang, also known as the City of Apples, is popular as one of the enchanting tourist destinations in East Java. It has a cool atmosphere because Batu, Malang is dominated by a lot of mountains, ...

Grade 6 Field Trip to Singapore September 10, 2018
The 6th graders of SGIA have joined the field trip to Singapore on Monday 10th September 2018. This field trip is recognized as important tool in learning; a shared social experience that provides the opportunity for students to be exposed and explore novel things beyond the borders of the classroom.

Wonderful Jogjakarta September 6 – 9, 2018
Travelling provides great way to let students learn while having fun, break the daily routine of school activities and be away from the normal environment of school. The Jogjakarta trip focuses on its four objectives which are reinforcing classroom activities,...

Our Unforgettable Grade 7 Field Trip
On the sunny days of 6th and 7th September 2018, the seventh graders went on a field trip to Barelang Harris Hotel, where they experienced numerous fun activities, such as team building, swimming,...

University Trip to Jakarta & Bandung 3-8 September 2018
The University Trip was created to facilitate our grade 12 students to gain information about university life, including majors of study, subject lessons, prerequisites for registration, student activities, campus facilities, university life-style and so on.

K2 Resource Speakers
Our class’ unit of inquiry is under the Trans disciplinary theme of Who we are, which is focusing on Family. To gain more information for students about family, we have invited two different resource speakers in our classroom.

Getting Closure to Reality: Human Migration
Where We Are in Place and Time is our first unit of inquiry in school year 2018-2019. We are learning about human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities. Our lines of inquiry are reasons for migration, history of migration and impacts of migration.

ATL : Teaching the SGIA Millennials
How to engage millennials in today’s education system? It is a challenging task for educators to meet the needs of these students. Laid back strategies in teaching which are more authoritarian teaching style may not work because these learners prefer to have learning environment that have less pressure,...

Grade 2 Field Trip Exploring Batam (North, East, South and West)
Our class’ unit of inquiry is under the transdisciplinary theme of Where We Are in Place and Time which is an inquiry into orientation in place and time. In order to get more factual information about our island’s natural geography and to know the impacts of geographical features of a location on human interactions and settlements...

Grade 11 Assembly
The Grade 11 students stood tall, their solemn gaze fell upon the audience, and with the good to go given by their conductor, Ms. Charo, an uproar of their first line ‘Racism has a Human Heart’ had resonated the gym.

C.A.S (Creativity, Activity and Service) SOCIALIZATION – PD SESSION
On Friday 24 August 2018, the secondary department conducted a professional development (PD) session about CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service), one of core components of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP).

Friday Workshops
Sekolah Global Indo-Asia is committed to foster a life-long love for learning for the students and part of this commitment is to help the students develop holistically. With this, the Secondary Department had developed friday workshops program for the students to learn relevant skills.

SGIA Students Win KODIM Painting and Caricature Competition 2018
On Saturday, 28 July 2018, Sekolah Global Indo-Asia (SGIA) participated in KODIM Painting & Caricature Competition 2018 in Aula KODIM (Komando Distrik Militer) 0316 in Kp.Seraya, Batu Ampar, Batam. KODIM is military district commando for Batam Island.

Distribution of MacBook for IB DP Students AY 2018-2019
One of our goals is to help our students achieve their success in academics, in addition to ensuring their social-emotional growth leading them to positive directions.

PYP In-School Workshop: “Teaching and Learning”
Welcome to the new School Year 2018-2019! As the new school year begins, SGIA conducted a two-day IB PYP In-school Workshop for our primary teachers on July 13 and 14, 2018.

PYP Exhibition: A Celebration of Learning
This school year’s PYP Exhibition marks SGIA’s 9thyear of celebration and learning. The Grade 5 students came up with different issues under the transdisciplinary theme “Who We Are”. This year, we have 10 groups (each group with members of 2 to 4 students).

"Dedikasi Kartini Masa Kini" (The Dedication of the Modern-Day Kartini)
Last Monday, 23 April 2018, Sekolah Global Indo-Asia has celebrated an important day to remember one of the most influential heroines of Indonesia, Ibu Kartini.

Literacy and Library Month Celebration
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values: the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity: our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Visiting A Friend’s House
This is the 5th Unit of Inquiry of K3 for the School Year 2017-2018. This unit is talking about homes in different cultures and local conditions. It is quiet challenging to make the students understand that a home has a different meaning compared to a house.

One Day Fun Trip in Singapore
Last February 2018, our second graders were able to have an exciting trip to Singapore. Our destinations were Clay Works Singapore and Cheung San Library. This trip was related to our 4th Unit of Inquiry under transdisciplinary theme “How the World Works” about Materials.

ASA, Semester 2 for SY 2017-2018
Our Second Semester 2 After-School Activities have begun last March 12, 2018 to encorporate balance and fun in studying while at school from 15:15 to 16:15 on Mondays and Wednesdays.

"Which Character is the Most Interesting?"
There is a reason why we always find dressing up as fun and incredible way of influencing children’s imagination.
As Grade 1 students have just started their unit on the Transdisciplinary Theme – “How We Express Ourselves”, the teachers...

Visiting Quan Fa Organic Farm and Gardens by the Bay
The current unit for Kindergarten 3 is about ‘Sharing the Planet’ on Plants. In this unit, students learn how to take care of plants, know the products derived from the plants and...

Third Graders Went to KidZania
Third graders were so happy to experience the edutainment at KidZania Singapore as our field trip in the fourth Unit of Inquiry “How We Organise Ourselves” on Jobs/Professions.

SGIA’s Jozsua Lumunon, Wins at Asia Pacific Arts Festival
Asia Pacific Arts Festival aims to pursue harmony, peace and global friendship through diversified cultural exchange, team buildings, workshops and performing arts competition. Delegates various Asian Countries like China, Indonesia, ...

Physical Education Equipment and Mr. Hedy
Children learn through play and thus develop their creativity. Kids surely like to play and SGIA collection of gym equipment make it easier. Thanks to such equipment as many kids have a good training and fun at the same time.

Explore Possibility: Materials Properties A Trip to Secondary Science Lab with Mr. Jurio
The field of Materials in the environment which encompasses the science, engineering and technology of materials, is an interdisciplinary area involving the structure and properties of materials with application to the design, development and manufacture of real products.

Global Cup 2018
On 11 – 24 January 2018, Sekolah Global Indo-Asia opened its gates to welcome students from different schools around Batam. The Secondary Student Council organized Global Cup 2018 as a means for students to showcase their talents and potentials.

SGIA Open House 2017
As an annual tradition, Sekolah Global Indo-Asia opens its doors to the local community especially to parents, students, friends and acquaintances to have a closer look at the classrooms, facilities and curricula or school programme implementation.

Grade's 1 Field Trip to River Safari
Last October 20, 2017 (Friday), the Grade 1 students took a one-day field trip to River Safari in Singapore. In relation to the unit “Sharing the Planet”, they were able to visit the world’s famous river habitats like Mekong, Nile, and Yangtze to name a few.

Grade 2’s Immersion to Bintan Lagoi Resort Waste Management on October 20, 2017
The Grade 2 students have visited Bintan Cakrawala Resorts last October 20, 2017. It reinforced their learning and helped them investigate more about the 2nd Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme “Sharing The Planet”.

K3 Unit of Inquiry 2: How The World Works Central Idea: Matter has characteristics that will determine its use. “Making Slime by Grade 4 Students”
In line with the student’s inquiry on how matter changes, the K3 students want to know how to make slime. Therefore, we have invited some in-house resource speakers, the Grade 4 students of SGIA, to show the process of making slime.

“A Day at De’ Chruse Pet Shop”
Last Thursday, October 12, the Grade 1 students had an amazing time during their field trip to De’ Chruse Pet Shop. The trip was to help the students understand the needs of the animals that people care for.

Secondary Department – Field Trip Report Social & Science Grade 10-11 CIE Field Trip to Jakarta & Bandung October 3-7, 2017
Field trips are recognized as important tool in learning; a shared social experience that provides the opportunity for students to be exposed and explore novel things beyond the borders of the classroom.

Secondary Department – Field Trip Report SGIA Grade 8 Students Visit East Java
To expose the SGIA students beyond the borders of the classroom, an educational trip was conducted last October 3-6, 2017 in Batu Malang, East Java.

Secondary Department – Field Trip Report Cipanas Trip in Collaboration with Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM)
On October 3 2017, the Grade 11 students participated in a field trip to Cipanas in collaboration with Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM).

Secondary Department – Field Trip Report Teambuilding at Turi Beach Resort
On the 5th and 6th of October 2017, the Grade 9 students of SGIA had a Teambuilding Activity at Turi Beach Resort, to provide effective means of developing independence, improving socialization skills and self-discipline.

Batam Drums Day Competition
Regards, On the day of the 24th of September 2017 there has been a great music event held at the harbor bay mall, entitled Batam Drums Day Competition event for the musicians in Batam, especially of school-level drum instruments from elementary school...

The Primary Student Council Officers SY 2017-2018
As members of the new Primary Student Council Officers, this is what the Student Council is all about based from the key concepts of PYP.

Secondary Department Saturday Morning Tea - September 9, 2017
A Saturday morning tea was held last September 9, 2017. It was exclusively prepared for the grade 10 students and parents to get more acquainted with both the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP)...

PYP Overview for Parents and Students
More than 30 parents and students attended our first PYP Induction for parents and students for this school year, which was held on Saturday, September 9, 2017 at the Primary Department’s PD Room.

Connecting People to Nature
The branch of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Batam, as an agency of the United Nations that coordinates its environmental activities and assists the developing countries...

SGIA PYP Teachers’ Training, August 18-19, 2017
The following workshops are an important part for our Programme Evaluation in November 2017. It is a requirement that all teachers must have Category 1 Making the PYP Happen Workshop.

Have you ever been inspired by a TED talk, or discovered a new way of seeing the world through a TED-Ed lesson? Do you wonder how those speakers are able to deliver talks that are so fresh, creative, and memorable?...

Welcome to IB Diploma Programme for the Academic Year 2017-2018
We would like to warmly welcome our second cohorts for our IB Diploma Programme for the Academic Year 2017-2018.

Literacy and Library Month Celebration
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values: the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity: our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Grade 2’s Unit of Inquiry 2 Days Field Trip Around Batam
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values: the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity: our appreciation of the aesthetic.

SGIA’s PYP Exhibition SY 2016-2017
Our Grade 5 students had their PYP Exhibition Day last Friday (April 28). This school year we have 28 students, and based on their interest topics under the transdisciplinary theme “Who we are”, 10 groups were formed.

Learning by Observing and Experiencing
The Third Graders’ fifth Unit of Inquiry is under the transdisciplinary theme, ‘How We Express Ourselves’. The unit focuses on similar themes of tales that appear in different cultures. The PYP attitudes that we have chosen are creativity, appreciation, enthusiasm and confidence...

Grade 2 PYP Assembly Sharing the Planet – Rubbish/Waste
On February 28, 2017, the Grade 2 students shared their learning experiences from their 4th Unit of Inquiry. The central idea of this unit is “Understanding the uses and effects of rubbish to the environment help people to use and dispose materials.”

Elementary Second Semester SY 2016-2017 After-School Activities
Our Second Semester ASA for Primary Department have commenced last March 06, 2017 giving way to Cooking as the most sought activity where 44 students from K3 to Grade 4 are enrolled on Mondays.

IB Students from Singapore Visit SGIA
On Saturday, 25th February, 2017, IB students from Stamford American International School, Singapore, visited SGIA and conducted various collaborative activities at the Al Aqsho Orphanage.

Grade 3 PYP Assembly Sharing the Planet-Natural Habitats
The 3rd Graders happily celebrated their learnings from their fourth Unit pf Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme, ‘Sharing the Planet’.
The unit focuses on humans making choices that have significance on other living things upon interacting with natural habitats.

Grade 1 Goes to Singapore Zoo
Going for a field trip is one way for our students to experience a more holistic and combined picture of the information about the concepts we are learning. It is not enough for them to learn information that is presented in a textual and abstract way.

Grade 2 Field Trip to Batam Landfill in Telaga Punggur
Field trip is a part of the learning engagements for the students to understand and explore more on the Unit Lesson.

K2 Field Trip to Batam Water Sources
On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, K2 students had a field trip to several places to see some water sources around Batam. This is in connection with finding out the different sources of water with regard to the current transdisciplinary theme – “Sharing the Planet”.

Grade 1 Field Trip to the Pet Center (Pet Supply Shop and Clinic)
Our First Graders were all excited to go to a fieldtrip to De’Chruse Pet Center where we have met the owner and also the resident Veterinarian – Drh. Feri. This fieldtrip is part of our further exploration to our current Unit of Inquiry “Sharing the Planet”. Our central idea is “Animals have roles to sustain the needs of other lives in the environment.”

SGIA Grade 10 Saturday Morning Tea
A quite meaningful and informative Saturday Morning Tea (SMT) took place last February 11, 2017 at the secondary department where the SGIA leaders, parents and students of grade 10 gathered to have an open session about the Cambridge Advanced Level and IB Diploma Programme (IB DP). The first session...

SGIA PYP Saturday Morning Tea for Assessment Standards and Practices
The Primary Department has gone its way to work on the Self-Study for the Evaluation 2017 and involve the parents to offer their critical perspectives of our implementation along the Assessment Standards and Practices by holding a Saturday Morning Tea on January 21, 2017 from 09:00 to 11:00 at the SGIA’s Primary PD Room.

A Visit To Secondary Laboratory
Recently, our Grade 1 students have been quite busy conducting some experiments from their Unit of Inquiry dealing with “Properties of air allow people to make practical applications”.

SGIA Wins Award in 13th Harvard Model Congress Asia
Three high school students from Sekolah Global Indo-Asia won three awards at the 13th session of the Harvard Model Congress Asia. Sparsh Singhal (Grade 11), Christoper Cia (Grade 12) and Edbert Mawlin (Grade 10) were awarded honorable mentions in front of 650 delegates from Asia, US and Canada.

SGIA's Christmas Music Concert on December 2016
To explore and showcase the talents of SGIA students and build their confidence and creativity, our Christmas Persons-In-Charge, namely: Ms. Nova, Mr. Edd, Mr. Michale and Mr.Martomo have come up with the ideas of creating a Christmas Village in our very own school gymnasium.

SGIA’s National Teachers’ Training on 2013 National Curriculum
With the effectiveness of the 2013 National Curriculum implementation in the level of Elementary school and in order to apply effectively the embedding of the 2013 National Curriculum with the IBO (PYP Programme) at Sekolah Global Indo – Asia, we need...

Open House, 15 & 18 November 2016
In conjunction with the open registration for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year, SGIA held the Open House last 15 and 18 of November 2016. Future students and parents were invited to visit the school to view the facilities and to evaluate the programs offered.What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Grade 2, Visits Various SG Communities
Grade 2 students and teachers went to Singapore last October 21, 2016 in connection to our Community Unit of Inquiry. This field trip has given us the opportunity to see and explore different communities and their services.

We Are Part of A Society
Human beings are part of this world. We come from many places and tribes; we have different languages then we meet in a place or group as we have common needs and interests.

SGIA Grade 12 Student Wins Harvard Model Scholarship
Christoper Cia, a current grade 12 student from Sekolah Global Indo-Asia was awarded a full scholarship to join the prestigious Harvard Model Congress Asia on January 2017.

Pancake Making Day
Cooking up a plate of fluffy pancakes is not just a great activity but it is also an opportunity to apply what we learn about measurements, plus helping us know how products are made before they are used.

SGIA Community Takes Part in Fire Drill
Administrators, students, faculty and staff held a fire drill last Wednesday, October 12, 2016 to keep themselves updated and aware of what to do in case there is a fire incident.

How an Exhaust Fan Works
Grade 1 students are currently discussing on “many products go through a process of change before they are used” as it is the central idea of our Second Unit of Inquiry, ‘How We Organize Ourselves’. Many inquiries on how a product is made, what material is used to make a product, and why a product is made are on grade 1 students’ minds.

Grade 5’s Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are in Place & Time
This outbound learning of the Grade 5 students aimed at letting them observe how the geography of a certain place or country changes overtime.

SGIA 18th Anniversary Celebration
On August 27, 2016, SGIA marks its eighteen years of existence with a jovial celebration. The celebration was packed with a handful of events coordinated by the school in collaboration with the students. Many activities were planned to commemorate the anniversary, some of them including a Fun walk, food stalls, and an outstanding performance held by the school choir.

RS Awal Bros Dentist Visits SGIA
Last August 31, 2016, a Dentist from Awal Bros has visited the Grade 1 A and B classes as part of their Unit of Inquiry on ‘Who We Are’ with the Central Idea “Making Balanced choices enable us to have healthy lifestyle”.

Lets Express Ourselves (Grade 1 - Literacy Week)

How to Keep Our Teeth Clean and Healthy
On Friday, September 02, 2016, the Grade 4 classes have invited a resource speaker to talk about how to keep our teeth clean. This is aligned with our third line of inquiry on taking responsibility of taking care of our body. We have invited Ms. Ruth Evans to talk about how she keeps her teeth clean; the tools she needs to clean her teeth and also how people in Australia take care of their teeth.

K2 Transdisciplinary Theme Family Relationships Contribute to Shaping Our Identity
The K2 students are currently learning about human relationships with the focus on family relationships. Parents have been invited as resource speakers to explain about their roles and responsibilities in the family.

The Benefits of Having Resource Speakers
As we face the perpetual challenge of keeping each class session fresh and interactive, the 3rd grade class considered an idea that never really got stale by inviting resource speakers. Having these wonderful people to our classroom has benefits for learners, for the teachers, and for the resource speakers as well.

SGIA Student Attends Cultural Exchange in Japan
Note: Each year, SGIA provide opportunities for deserving students to attend summer camps in different parts of the world. Here’s a narrative from a 2016 camp participant in Japan.
I am Galvien Cia and I recently came back from the APU’s Academic and Cultural Exhange (ACE) program, or also known as APU summer camp in Japan. The camp was from 31 July to 8 August 2016.

SGIA Meet and Greet July 2016
Traditionally, the school holds a day to meet and greet our parents. This practice is done to introduce the teachers, staff and leaders for the new school year.
Our Operations Manager, Mrs. Indah Salazar has introduced the SGIA staff members who are in full support of the academic programmes through the Finance, Purchasing, Human Resources, Marketing, Admissions and General Affairs departments.

Ms. Dewi Ong Undergoes Training Held by the Ministry of Education and Culture
On July 21 – 30, 2016, our Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Dewi Ong, participated in a workshop on “Pembekalan Instruktur Nasional/Mentor Guru Pembelajar Mata Pelajaran IPA SD” at Novotel, Batam.
The aim of the workshop is to prepare National Instructors for guiding teachers to achieve well-prepared professional teachers with competent pedagogical skills.

Meeting People With Different Histories
"Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi" was the yell heard in the room of Grade 1 when Mrs. Ruth Evans introduced the culture of Australia. She has been invited as a re...

SGIA Holds Its 7th PYP Exhibition
Our Grade 5 students had their PYP Exhibition last Friday, April 29, 2016. The PYP exhibition is a significant event in the life of a PYP school and it is a culm...

Grade 9 Visits Yogyakarta and Bali for Intercultural Understanding
"Adventures are the best way to learn."
The long wait is over for the Grade 9 students batch 2015-2016. To immerse themselves with the rich and diverse culture of Indonesia, they went for a ...
Literacy and Library Week Celebration 2016
Literacy and Library week took place on April 25-28, 2016 with the purpose:
To promote the library and its learning tools.
To develop passion and enthusiasm of reading among all the students.
To develop the skills of students in story telling in many ways.
2016 Kartini Day Celebration at SGIA
Last April 22, 2016, the school celebrated the Kartini Day with theme: "Kartini inspiration develops smart and caring generation."
The program started with the Flag Ceremony, participated by all the students, staff members, parents and teachers. This flag ceremony is special as the people on duty are the teachers and staff members wearing Kebaya and Indonesian Traditional costumes.
After the Flag Ceremony, we had an assembly with ECC costume parade, Elementary Poetry Delivery and Choir, and Secondary Musical Poem.
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